WARNING: This game is the ancestor of the Clerical Error game written more recently by Kathleen De Smet. The newer game has undergone heavy revision. If you read this game you will both spoil some secrets and end up with some wrong information.
Since we were coordinating four GMs, an assistant, and about eight NPCs, we wrote up some rough stage directions shortly before the first game:
- - 1 hour check all props and moveable things
- - 15 min, start dinner take our places
- Assistant is in kitchen
- Eva is in kitchen
- Katie is in kitchen
- Kathleen is at check in
- Viv is in driveway
- 0 hour Viv make players read rules and sign waiver
- Viv gives them props and character sheet copies
- 0 - 15 min Kathleen checks them all in and seats them at table
- People in kitchen are cooking
- 5 min after all seated Eva-Clotho comes out and harasses them
- 5 min later Assistant-Waiter brings menus
- 5 min later Assistant-Waiter begins bringing dinner
- (timing at assistant's discretion)
- antipasto
- salad
- spanikopita
- "wine"
- (During dinner Viv and Kathleen get dressed and ready to go downstairs)
- When they finish dinner Eva-Clotho will freak out
- Lights go out
- Assistant turns off lights in entry way and tapes them
- Kathleen and Viv should be positioned downstairs as npc's
- Katie and Eva pull back curtains
- Katie turns on light in dining room
- Once the players leave the dining room we close the curtains
- At a free point Eva and Assistant will rearrange dining room, start the fire, and get the maypole out
- Players will go look at stuff, when they are distracted
- Katie will go to the secret sphinx room
- Once the players solve the separation and sudoku puzzles
- Viv and Kathleen will become GM's
- Someone will need to work the phoenix once they get into the maze
- Eva in worst case (watch for finishing of board puzzle)
- Viv or Kathleen or Katie in the best case
- The room with the fire will re-open 20 min after the reveal
- Assistant will stand as the judge
- Once they finish the potion
- Eva-Clotho will make a fuss and run off to the spring
- Once everyone has followed Eva-Clotho
- Katie-Lachisis will sneak in the box (Viv will help)
- Once caught/persuaded Eva-Clotho will drink the potion
- Once sane Eva-Clotho will tell them that the key to finding my sister is in the box and the crosses will open it (and help them find crosses as needed)
- They open the box
- Katie-Lacisis gets out
- Katie-Lacisis and Eva-Clotho talk
- Eva-Clotho introduces Katie-Lacisis to players
- All go to maypole to fix stuff
- Katie-Lacisis directs
- Eva-Clotho holds pole to keep it from falling over
- Once the pole is done, we all exclaim happily Assistant/Viv
- The lights go out
- Katie and Eva close the curtains and step behind them
- Kathleen as Maitre'd turns on the front light
- Kathleen apologizes and gives them gift certificates
- We bring chairs back out and have wrap-up