In late September of 2007 Interactivities Ink presented an alternate timeline game from the world of Brassy's Men called "The Secret of Atlantis". This game was set in 1877 in a semi-steampunk Victorian world. The game was run in COSI down in Columbus, Ohio. The game space was absolutely stunning. Suspending disbelief was not all that difficult. ;)
After seeing the original announcement several of us from the Madison/Chicago area decided to make the trip down to Ohio that weekend. Alan and I were fortunately able to combine it with a visit to my grandmother (since I don't get to see her nearly often enough). The game itself was relatively short, taking up only a fraction of Saturday evening, but infinitely worth the trip.
Many of these pictures were taken by Alan De Smet. All of the pictures were taken using my camera and many were corrected to account for the rather dark lighting. It really didn't look that dark during the game, but my camera didn't seem to like the light levels so much.
There were many more neat costumes and areas than we got pictures of, sadly.