Strawbridge and Clothier's Quarterly (Winter 1885 to 1886)

Digital Changeling > Historic Stuff > Ladies' Magazines > Strawbridge and Clothier's Quarterly (Winter 1885 to 1886)

I purchased this Magazine through eBay. Unfortunately it was not cheap. It is in great shape though, with many awesome illustrations. I was excited about the variety of material in this "Quarterly" magazine, since a lot of it reads like a straight mail order catalogue. There are detailed descriptions of many styles and accessories for the winter of 1885/1886.

The styles depicted in the fashion plates include a very wide variety of late bustle era clothing and, surprisingly at least a little natural form stuff as well. I found this especially strange, since the other fashion magazines I have from this period are a bit more uniformly late bustle styles. I did appreciate all of the detail on accessories like handkerchiefs, fans, and jewelry, since this sort of information is kind of sparse in the other sources I have from the late bustle period.

The issue also came with a separate pattern sheet with several interesting patterns. I haven't yet figured out how to scan these, since they are definitely not going to fit on my poor little scanner. The main catalogue barely fit as it was!

The issue was made of lovely, heavy paper, which has aged beautifully. Sadly, this heavy paper made it completely impractical to fold the pages open wide enough to do the page scans without destroying the binding. I spent some time trying to figure out a way to handle the scans in a non-destructive manner, but in the end I had to give up and cut the binding off of the issue. I hated to do it, but it let me scan the issue relatively painlessly and without having the bent pages wad up until I would have run out of margin and started losing content!

This magazine cost me $112.15 including shipping. I'm not sure this was necessarily a good use of my money (since I could have gotten at least 5 Delineators for that price), but it is a beautiful and informative issue. It took me about 3 hours to scan it and another 3 hours to do all the image processing and build this page.

The thumbnails below link to the 100 dpi copies of the magazine pages. If you just want to read the magazine (rather than print it out) these copies should work just fine. I have 300 dpi versions of these images, which may be available at some point in the future when I find hosting that can handle the size of them again.

Download the individual pages (100 dpi):